Well folks, it finally happened.

No, hell did not freeze over and monkeys did not fly out of my butt.

But what did happen, is the decal store has opened. That’s right, we have restocked the shelves, dusted off the cash registers, turned the lights and heat back on, and unlocked the deadbolts. is back and we are ready to finally fill the decal orders for your legacy Ibis bikes.

There are nearly 90 decals here, which cover nearly every Ibis ever made in our 30+ year history.

We’ve added some newer types of decals since last time, thinner and stronger than ever.

Head on over a couple to the decals tab (you can see it above) and peruse the Ibis Decal Superstore.

We’ll get you all gussied up and down the road again.

Oh, we’ve got a brand new website top to bottom as well. We’re starting over on ‘chuck spew’ (my not a blog) again, but all the old spew is archived, not that anyone would want to check any of that out. Actually, there’s a bunch of fun stuff in there, when I used to be a slightly more prolific not a blogger.

Questions? just email chuck (at chuckibis dot com)


Scot (AKA Chuck Ibis) Nicol